
What is branding and rebranding? How does a custom logo helps in both?

  A logo is a symbol or emblem which is used to assist and build up a company that it can easily be recognized. The word custom means creating your very own unique identity something which differentiates your business from all the others. But there is a whole process that goes into creating a symbol with a strategy which is called branding. Branding is a strategy to make people remember or know about the product and services of an organization through its emblem giving them the reason to go for their products instead of their competitions. But there are times where these companies get old or their message or purpose changes making a time for the emblem to be redesigned. Rebranding is the process of recreating a new strategy of a brands custom logo by giving it a new look or new perspective for people to look through. A lot of reasons go into creating a new image to the brand. Some of these reasons that are talked about below are so important that everyone should know about them: A...

Why getting an effective logo design should be the first and foremost priority of businesses?

  An emblem is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbols used to develop and promote public identification and recognition. The simpler a logo is the easier it is for a firm to advertise its business to customers all around. When starting a business the most important thing to work on is its unique identity as that is what makes your brand lucrative. A custom logo  is printed everywhere from brochures to websites so it is important to have one that can make customers understand your message in the easiest way possible. Having an effective logo means your business is easy to understand and can be profitable for your business. Having a unique identity has more benefits for a business some of which are talked about below: Brand Identity: Brand identity is all the elements in a logo that makes you different from all the others. Having a symbol means your firm's message is easy to understand and so effective that it attracts customers to you and makes them want to buy what you offer. In s...

The process of logo designing

  It is important to give enough time to create the logo design that can take up to several days. To design a logo it is important to know the process and how it works. The best ones can grow with the company and communicate to the audience what your brand does. When you create a logo, you must go through a process to ensure that the final design is adapted to the needs of the clients. The below procedure starts with the design brief, then conducting research, going with brainstorming, then sketching the logos, then use those logo concepts, after that presenting them to a client, now prepare the final deliverables which you give to the client. This article will show you the step-by-step process. Design brief: Design brief is the first one in which get to know the customers’ business, its biography, industry, competitors and viewers. For which you have to conduct an interview with the client to get the brief. Now you have to gather as much information from the client as possible. Af...

8 Best Fonts For Modern Logo Design:

   The font of your logo plays a vital role in starting the image of your business. Regularly, companies think of colours and images in graphic designs, specifically in logos. If it has a business name, the achievement of its design depends on the skilful use of fonts. Conveniently, a wide collection of fonts is available to make a correct choice. Only a trained and experienced one can include such perfect font in a design. A skilful designer understands how giving a different shape to a predictable typeface can create a unique design. Let’s take an example of the famous brand Coca-Cola logo in which lettering create a brand identity. Helvetica: Helvetica is one of the maxima used fonts in a variety of graphic designs. Experts are specifically fond of this. Helvetica has been rushed in personal computers since 1984 and this is the main reason why it so popular. Many professional likes and dislike this typeface for a simple reason that the letters in this typeface are spread ou...

Logo Evolution of Top 5 businesses.

  Brands must have evolved to stay appropriate and remain the same with their logos. If a brand needs to come by as modern, they need to continuously redesign their logo with current ideas. Evolution of logo, survival of the elegant. In this article, we'll look at how the worldwide giant succeeds in continuously redesigning its iconic logo even as remain loyal to its brand identity. Along with that we evaluate famous brands and see how they survived within the quiet time of time. Innovation will be mandatory that might give companies brand identity. Apple: The most famous and renowned brand apple logo designing history is as rich as the brand itself. The first design of the apple was designed by Ronald Wayne in 1976 that required representing the law of gravity inspired by Issac Newton sitting under the apple tree. The Newton logo was short-term, as Steve jobs realized that the design was old shaped. Steve Jobs wanted the brand's name and emblem to be combined as one. After tha...

An easy explanation of the logo design process

  The logo designing process is never the same because different designers have their way. Some may take extra steps while some will start designing right away. The good news is that there is a general process that most designers follow. In this article, you will know what the logo design process easy words that will help you understand it with ease. Research: Designing a logo without knowing the background of your industry, its market and your business’s values, you will end up designing the wrong logo. It is important to know the background, ask the right questions from the beginning. So, you may get clarity and this will give you the right direction. Try researching about your potential customers, what they like and what may attract them. Secondly, research your competitors and lastly do an analysis of your brand and see how you can communicate it with your design. Brainstorming sessions: Once you are done with the first step, let’s move to the second stage i.e. brainstorming. C...

Here are the most important benefits of employing a specialist to do the logo design work

  For small companies and agencies, employing a skilled graphic designer has many advantages. Approximately 95% of small companies have poor emblem. What is the explanation for this? They don't employ a talented artist to create a logo for them. You want an exclusive logo, but many small companies cut corners by using low-cost models. An on-demand graphic designer, on the other hand, will assist you in resolving this issue. What, on the other hand, does a competent logo design include? To keep customers interested, a skilled logo artist would use deliberately selected colours, typography, and picture patterns. Spending more money on a professional logo design would pay off handsomely. A logo's font, scale, colour, and graphic design convey a lot about a brand. These are a handful of the many opportunities to employ a competent graphic designer. Best quality: The distinction between good and poor design is clear. Customers, as well as the opponents, will find things out. Logos h...