5 Things You Most Likely Don’t Know About Custom Logo

 In this age of digitalization, the role of logos has become important more than before. Brands are using every possible way to get ahead of their competitors. They have effectively utilized their logos for this purpose successfully. Having an authentic logo helps you give brand identity in the market.

Ever wondered why some brands become a success in a very short time and others fail to make any impact. That is because they failed to make professional looking logos. Here we will share 5 things that you most likely didn’t know about custom logos:

They are not trendy:

That’s right, logos aren’t trendy. You may have noticed that most famous brands don’t have trendy logos. Otherwise, they would have changed them every couple of years. Whether it is Apple, Microsoft or McDonald’s, they all have kept their designs consistent throughout the years. It is fine to change some elements on your design but the primary theme of it must remain the same.

Having a trendy logo will mean that your design is not timeless and memorable. Make sure to not include trendy fonts and designs on your logo.

They are not Complex:

Another misconception about logos is that people think they are complex. Designing a logo or coming up with a new idea might be tricky and challenging but the design shouldn’t be complex and tricky itself. They are simpler and plain. Your emblem has to look simple and unique.

It is always a good idea to hire a professional logo designer that will make a simple and authentic design.

They are not colourful:

A professional looking logo isn’t colourful. Your custom logo shouldn’t rely on more than a few colours. The reason is that having many colours on your design will confuse the audience and create a distraction. Apart from that, they should not contain bright colours.

Remember, your emblem would be put on many platforms and formats. It may lose its touch; your emblem may look good in digital format but may not look attractive enough on print media. So, it is advised to have minimal usage of colours.

Icons aren’t important:

It is not obligatory to include icons in your logo design. Many great designs have been created by only using letters. Take the example of Google and McDonald’s. They have impressively used letters for their designs and have attracted millions of people to their brands.

In 2020, Google had a market share of almost 87% of search engines and McDonald’s had a market share of almost 22% in the fast-food industry. Both of these giants have made this possible not only with quality but also with their respective logos.

They aren’t expensive:

Great emblems don’t always cost lots of money. You can get a quality design by just spending a couple of hundreds if not thousands. Many famous logos you see today didn’t cost much money.

Nike’s co-founder had bought the famous swoosh design in 1971 for $35and the Twitter’s was bought for only $15 from iStockphoto. Though there are minor changes done on the Twitter logo from time to time.


Newly opened businesses are spending more time and efforts on having a quality logo design. The perks of having a quality design give you brand identity and recognition. Hopefully, you found this article helpful and got important information about custom logos.

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