Knowing These 5 Secrets Will Make Your Custom Logo Look Amazing


A logo is the face of your company. It’s like the door of a brand which attracts potential customers to know more about you and leave a lasting impression. It is the symbol of uniqueness that makes a distinctive identity of your brand to differentiate you from others.

However, to show this identification, it is used from your business cards to stationery, social media sites, websites, products packaging, billboards, and advertisements.

Therefore, creating a new logo or redesigning the existing one. It is important to make it perfect, but, how? Well, this article will give you 5 Secrets that will make your custom logo look amazing.  

Esteem the Brand’s Heritage   

A logo should be a design that respects the heritage of a brand. It is not just the visual identity of a brand, but more than that. It communicates the core values and purpose of your brand. Therefore, you must respect its heritage to create a lasting impression on customers.

Understanding the Psychology

Buy logo designing is not just an art, but also a science. There is a certain psychological impact of colours, fonts, and shapes on the customers. If you ignore it while designing, then most probably, the emblem of your brand would fail and would not be able to gain recognition.

Therefore, carefully review each element which you are using in your design. Like typography, colours and shapes. Every element has an impact on customers and evokes certain emotional behaviours.

Keep it Simple

While designing, keep remembering that less is more. Do not add so many shapes and colours in logo which looks complex. Because complex designs are not appealing and could not able to share the core message effectively. Moreover, the main goal of any company is to become more recognizable and memorable, but the complex design makes it hard to remember as customers could not able to memorize it.

Moreover, by simple means, that try the minimalist colours or shapes, and the font should be associated with your brand heritage and should be easy to read and remember.    

Colours Matter

As mentioned above, different elements in an emblem drive certain emotions. However, colours are among the top of them. To understand the psychology of colour is complex, but you can get the basic knowledge about them that how they create an impact on the behaviour of customers and drive them towards purchasing. Use them according to your choice.

Like orange colour is associated with playfulness and enthusiasm and energy. That is why if we see the shopping sites. For example, Amazon and Alibaba have used this colour in their logo?        

Avoid the Cliché

The emblems are made to represent a brand and create an association with it. Therefore, the design of the emblem should have longevity. If you design an emblem on trends to make it appealing, then most probably your emblem will start looking outdated and old once the trend fades out.   

Thus, try not to fall on these traps and focus to design a logo which could stay relevant over time, and represent your brand in an effective and attractive manner.

Ending Remarks

Buying a logo that could fit best with your company is hard. Some luckily got their dream symbol at once and some have to make an extra effort to reach there. However, the important thing is, don’t lose hope and focus on the things which are mentioned above to get a successful design.   


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